ssh host - ssh secure shell

quinta-feira, 22 de março de 2018

ssh host

ssh host
You can connect by means of SSH to your PHP / ASP hosting or with platform installed. By default, SSH is disabled, however you can turn it on at any time through your control panel. Just follow the steps below.

Enabling SSH

1. We will enter the site "" to access the platform in the "Panel of the client";

2. Already connected in the panel, we will click on the left sidelong menu in the "Hosting" thing;

3. If you have more than one hosting, you will need to locate the Hosting that you want to enable SSH and click the "Manage" button;

4. Locate the configuration block and click the "Advanced Settings" button;

5. In the Applications block, we must click on the "change" connection;

6. Then an SSH option will be available for selection. Just select an option "Enabled" and click the "Save change" button;

In a few seconds SSH will be enabled! :)

Let's click on the top of the screen in the connection "back to hosting plan", to search the access information.

Finding Access Data

1. In the same line where the name of your site is displayed, there is the Actions menu. Inner circle in the icon of the three blue bars and then coterie in the option "Manage";

Both FTP and SSH access information will be displayed.

2. If you do not remember the FTP password, which is the same as SSH, you can define a new password on this same screen.

Simple, right? Public square is up to you!

If your hosting is Java, see this article in our FAQ.

If your hosting is Node, see this other article in our FAQ.

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